by heidijoubert | Jan 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
I’m in South Africa filming my step-by-step Cajon method which will include loads of exercises, rudiments, a wide range of different genre grooves, practise along sections, play along with me and my band sections and a ton of other useful lessons as tips!...
by heidijoubert | Jan 9, 2016 | Uncategorized
OMG!!!! I’m going to LA in two weeks with this sexy baby for the NAMM SHOW with Roland! BOOOOOOOOOM! I cannot contain my excitement! Just got my plane tickets! I can’t reveal too much about this beauty but it’s freaking awesome, I’ve been...
by heidijoubert | Feb 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
Enjoy our free video lessons? Want to take it to the next level and learn more intensely with Heidi Joubert in a set out course? No worries! As we finalise the last little bit of details for our online cajon school, we are super proud to announce that we should be...
by heidijoubert | Jan 24, 2013 | Uncategorized
Excellent news! It seemed like we were going to cancel the Cambridge cajon courses, but we had so many last minute enrolees, and we are so so so proud (and I am personally extremely happy) that it did indeed work out! I now have an amazing class full of bright, super...
by heidijoubert | Dec 11, 2012 | Uncategorized
We are starting up our Cajon school in London and Cambridge from Mid January 2013 In Cambridge we will start with beginner courses, one for adults and one for kids and 2 group classes in London, one for beginners and one for improvers beginners. Heidi Joubert will be...