
The history of the cajon

Cajon means Drawer or box in Spanish.
It originates from Peru where it is used in folk music for styles such as Festejo. Legend has it that African slaves in Peru started playing their grooves on the fishing and packing boxes where they worked when their “owners” banned their African drums. The Peruvian cajon then found its way to the loving hands of Paco De Lucia’s percussionist’s where they developed the guitar string system to create a more snary, airy sound for the cajon. Hence the Flamenco cajon was born. The Flamenco cajon resembles the sound of a drum kit, with the bass, the snare and the slap. Accessories can be added to create an even fuller sound, often referred to as a “cajon kit”.


  1. Maria

    This instrument/tool was taken from the indigenous people because it was a form of communication from one tribe to another!

    They weren’t as attached to their musical instruments as they were their families & loved ones being enslaved & murdered!

    Their drums were their lifelines to tribes near & far!

    When their Masters barged in on the slave huts, they would find no drums – just drawers & boxes!


    Quotes Edit
    I wish Your Majesty to understand the motive that moves me to make this statement is the peace of my conscience and because of the guilt I share. For we have destroyed by our evil behaviour such a government as was enjoyed by these natives. They were so free of crime and greed, both men and women, that they could leave gold or silver worth a hundred thousand pesos in their open house. So that when they discovered that we were thieves and men who sought to force their wives and daughters to commit sin with them, they despised us. But now things have come to such a pass in offence of God, owing to the bad example we have set them in all things, that these natives from doing no evil have turned into people who can do no good.. I beg God to pardon me, for I am moved to say this, seeing that I am the last to die of the Conquistadors.”

    — Mansio Serra Leguizamon[31]

    • heidijoubert

      Thanks for the comment and very interesting info! 🙂

      Hugs to you


  2. Marco

    What background do you have, as in what country did you come from, because im cuban and I am learning basically the nessecities of the cuban style. I liked this brief history. Thank You

    • heidijoubert

      Hello Marco!

      I was born in South Africa. 🙂


  3. Sagar

    How can decide size of sound whole?

    • HeidiJoubert

      That depends entirely up to you and what sound you want, and of course the dimensions and size of the cajon! I would say best to experiment if you are making your own cajon! Have fun and good luck!

      • Richard

        That’s pretty crazy, one of my brothers called me up today ,he constructed a cajon , which he gave me, Now he wants it back after 7years. We don’t use it every day but we do occasionally, So He offered me a $100 for it, I said no, So he said get send me some pictures of it because he wants to No the dimensions and Show them to his timbale player, Oh I forgot to mention My brother has a 10 piece band.😊



  1. Historique du cajon - Cajon & Drum - […] Sources : Wikipédia,  […]

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