
Flamenco or Peruvian cajon?

So you might ask yourself which cajon would suit you better.
The Peruvian cajon has no strings or snare. It is just a plain box. The flamenco cajon has guitar strings running up the back of the front panel that you hit, thus creating a more airy, crisp sound that resembles the sound of a drum kit because of the snare drum sound.
Further inovations to the flamenco cajon have seen a drum snare used instead of guitar strings, and the latest being the breakthrough Piano strings on the Cruz Cajon. There are many different ways of adjusting the snare or strings to give a tighter snare sound.
If you play contemporary music such as funk, hip hop, pop r&b, gospel, soul, rock, jazz, country etc. then the flamenco cajon is probably what you are looking for. If you play peruvian folk music, then the peruvian cajon is for you. The peruvian cajon can also be used in many different fusion musics and folk music, but it is well known that it is the flamenco cajon that is more popular and used in almost all styles of music due to the fact that it resembles the sound of a drum kit.


  1. Shree

    Heidi Hey !
    You are awesome and i tried out a few of your lessons. Thanks ! So do you ship your cajons to California ? Or do you guys sell them here at a music store. I will definitely buy a cajon from you guys.
    To all you folks out there, maybe we should buy her cajons and help support artists rather than trying to make our own 🙂 … she gives free lessons for cryin out loud !

  2. Trevor

    Hi Heidi, and greetings from Lima, Perú!
    A friend shared your awesome video of the (Frankfurt?) subway and it made me very happy to see a Cajon so far away being used in such an interesting way.
    ¿Will you ever come to Perú? It would be a great time. Many artists to interchange with from Chincha, to Barranco and even some in the highlands.
    ¡Let us know…you bring the tunes, we’ll bring the snacks!

  3. Alberto

    Hola Me encantan tus vídeos yo tengo un cajón flamenco ,llevo estudiando flamenco 15 años y me encantaría una mezcla de cajón flamenco y hang con burlería o algo así gracia y seguiré estudiando y viendo tus vídeos

    • Heidi Joubert

      Ole!! 🙂

  4. lee,wonjin

    I’m interested in your cajons.
    But I don’t know what’s different toro and leon cajons.
    I’ve never played cajon, but I’ve played guitar for 20 years.
    I want to study new musical instrument, especially cajon.
    please explain me what’s different of your two cajon, and recommend one.
    ps. Can you use international shipping? (Because I’m live in South Korea)
    Thank you very much and I’ll attention your lessons.

  5. Andres Leon

    Well, I think the peruvian cajon version gives more than folk music, and fusions with folk music. I don’t like the constant little snare in the flamenco version.
    In an instrument, every thing which is in it vibrates and makes part of the sound, unless you mute it.
    So, for me the point is not for the kind of music you wanna play, but the kind of sound you wanna use. As every element in percussion and music. I mean, a bongo without strings or other extras could be very well used in funk, not only in — hm, where does it come from, african folk? As well as one with any kind of extras.
    You can use the flamenco for the snare effect, but I you look for a absolutely clean tomb, a dry bass sound, or a pure wood sound without any metallic feeling, I think the peruvian version fits better. And there is a world of sound in any instrument.

    • Mike

      I like the flamenco style but I prefer the snare in mine over the wire because I find you get more of the snare sound where you need it and not much at all in the bass note unlike with strings. The snare makes the cajon feel more like a complete drum kit. All depends on what your into,that’s why the cajon is so versatile. I love this thing.


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