
 Welcome to my Cajon Lessons!

NEW Modern Method for Cajon


I am so excited to release a whole new range of brand new video lessons in form of my Modern Method for cajon! This is my own personal method that I developed to train myself on the cajon. I had been developing the course for over 15 years and I can’t wait to share it with you!

I sincerely hope you enjoy my lessons and discover the true joy of playing the cajon!



Modern Method for Cajon

A comprehensive, interactive, step-by-step course  filled with the basics of the cajon, including techniques, exercises & a wide variety of grooves personally developed by Heidi Joubert. Learn to play the cajon in a fun, very easy, practical step-by-step approach, and best of all you get to practice and play along with Heidi Joubert as you progress!

My Youtube Lessons


Watch some of my Youtube lessons arranged in order for the beginner right here on my website.

 Workshops, clinics & tours


Find out about my in person & online workshops and clinics that take place all over the world and come and learn from me in person and meet me!

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I would love to hear from you!

What do you think of these lessons? Did you enjoy them? Do you have any questions? I would love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below!


  1. Joanne Griffith

    Hello Heidi,

    I am loving this course. The pace is perfect. Although l’m able to sing while playing basic beats on a Brazilian tamtam, I haven’t reached that comfort level with the cajon yet—something to look forward to, I guess.

    Thank you!

    Joanne Griffith (Montreal, Canada)

  2. Nick Gourlay

    Are you looking to restart Cajon lessons in person? My fiance and I would love to come to one but can’t find many in London.


    • heidijoubert

      Hello Nick

      At present i am not teaching in person, but I have just released my modern method for cajon video course, which is the next best thing. It is the exact same course I use to teach in person and also contains practise along videos so you get to really have an almost in person class experience right from your home. I would highly recommend you get this, at present it is on sale at a ridiculous cost, and I hope to be doing more live online classes to those who are already working through my video course lessons. Hope this helps! Thanks for visiting my website! I would also say if you are signed up to my newsletter, you will be the first to know when I do set up in person classes again. Happy new year!


  3. Respectfully Maurganne Mooney

    Hello my name is Maurganne Mooney. I am a performer in Canada. I caught your video of you and another woman playing in the subway and since then I’ve been following you often on on your adventures in Facebook. You actually inspired me to get a Cajun box of my own and add it into my act. I may be coming to England in the future do you offer in person classes? I am going to go ahead and get the unlimited access and get started learning with you. Thank you for doing what you do!

    Respectfully Maurganne Mooney

    • heidijoubert

      Hello Maurganne

      It is so great to hear from you, and I am honoured to hear I inspired you to get a cajon and start playing! I would most definitely recommend you get the Modern Method, it would greatly help you and I had specifically created this method for people who could not be able to attend my in person workshops due to location! And please feel free to write to me when you do know your dates when you will visit england, and we could see if it would be possibel to set up a in person lesson! In the meantime, I would suggest not to wait till then and simply do it, start learning with me right now via my method!

      Big hug



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