
My Cajons

Cruzcajonflyercroppedcolor2Outstanding handmade instruments!

Cruz cajon is Heidi Joubert’s new professional, signature line cajon brand handmade in our Cruz Cajon workshop in Spain by our very skilled and experienced artisan team who take pride in their work, and take time to diligently hand craft each instrument for maximum quality and sound.

Specially designed to last years, promote good posture and aid in developing a great technique.

 Made with the finest Russian birch wood, and carefully handcrafted to ensure endurability for years to come,Cruzcajonfamily

no other cajon in this price range can match this quality or standard!!

Great new features include anti slip feet,  a special anti chip finish, an new sophisticated tuning tension system,
the cruz cajon has never looked or sounded better!


5 star quality sound, fast rebound response and big volume!

The Cruz cajon Pro range has beautiful tone with a rich re
sonance. There’s a neat 
cruzleonnewseparation between the highs and lows with a crisp sharp top and warm deep bass. This is certainly one of the best cajons on the market for it’s price/quality/sound
The making of the cruz cajon
After the handcrafting process, they are finely tuned and then they are then taken through a testing phase and approved by our professional cajon team to ensure it matches the highest possible standard.
Each cajon is then tested and played by Heidi Joubert  before it gets carefully packed and posted with our super fast and reliable courier, no other cajon in this price range can match this quality or standard!
Each Cajon is quality controlled and comes with its own unique number and certified seal of approval.
The sound quality is superb and so is the playing action, with an extremely fast rebound action and the bass sweet spot in the best and highest possible position, the cruz is an effortless joy to play.
Outstanding handmade instruments that promotes a good posture and aids in developing a good technique
It is well known that some cajons can create health and posture issues in the long run if the bass notes are situated too low on the cajon, resulting in having to stoop down everytime you hit the bass note. This also builds up a very bad technique which is hard to unlearn.
Cruzcajonleons1It is because we believe it is of vital importance to take care of your body and your technique that we have specially designed our cruz cajon to not only look and sound great but actually aid you in obtaining the correct posture and building the correct technique.
The bass “sweet spot” is situated as high as possible, just below the “snare” for the optimum posture when playing the cajon.
It has a deep powerful bass with a beautiful resonance and a neat, crisp attack on the highs. The separation between the highs and the lows is very neat and distinct, needless to say these are fabulous for live playing, acoustic playing and recording! It is really effortless to get a great sound out of the cruz cajon!
Differences in colours only cosmetic
Available in black (Cruz “Toro” model) or natural (Cruz “Leon” model), More colour and customised options coming soon!


Now with an advanced improved guitar strings tuning system that helps prevent buzzing and rattles commonly found in cajons.

Check out our Cruz cajon Pro range:

Cruz cajon Pro Basic

Cruz cajon Pro Professional

Cruz cajon Pro Elite

Personally Designed and drawn by Heidi Joubert.

There are different models for cajons, please see our shop page for more info.

Visit our Cajon Shop

We want to hear from you

Tell us what you think about the Cruz Cajon


  1. Kyla Lakheeram

    Hey, Heidi!
    Depending on whether or not I have time after school, I may be interested in joining your Skype cajon classes. I have a few questions though.
    1. Are children (I’m only 12) allowed to join the classes?
    2. Do the classes require any past experience in drum/cajon playing?
    3. Does time difference matter? (I’m from a little Caribbean island called Trinidad)
    4. What cajon would you recommend that I get as an inexperienced beginner?
    Thanks in advance,
    Kyla 🙂


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