
My Cajons

Cruzcajonflyercroppedcolor2Outstanding handmade instruments!

Cruz cajon is Heidi Joubert’s new professional, signature line cajon brand handmade in our Cruz Cajon workshop in Spain by our very skilled and experienced artisan team who take pride in their work, and take time to diligently hand craft each instrument for maximum quality and sound.

Specially designed to last years, promote good posture and aid in developing a great technique.

 Made with the finest Russian birch wood, and carefully handcrafted to ensure endurability for years to come,Cruzcajonfamily

no other cajon in this price range can match this quality or standard!!

Great new features include anti slip feet,  a special anti chip finish, an new sophisticated tuning tension system,
the cruz cajon has never looked or sounded better!


5 star quality sound, fast rebound response and big volume!

The Cruz cajon Pro range has beautiful tone with a rich re
sonance. There’s a neat 
cruzleonnewseparation between the highs and lows with a crisp sharp top and warm deep bass. This is certainly one of the best cajons on the market for it’s price/quality/sound
The making of the cruz cajon
After the handcrafting process, they are finely tuned and then they are then taken through a testing phase and approved by our professional cajon team to ensure it matches the highest possible standard.
Each cajon is then tested and played by Heidi Joubert  before it gets carefully packed and posted with our super fast and reliable courier, no other cajon in this price range can match this quality or standard!
Each Cajon is quality controlled and comes with its own unique number and certified seal of approval.
The sound quality is superb and so is the playing action, with an extremely fast rebound action and the bass sweet spot in the best and highest possible position, the cruz is an effortless joy to play.
Outstanding handmade instruments that promotes a good posture and aids in developing a good technique
It is well known that some cajons can create health and posture issues in the long run if the bass notes are situated too low on the cajon, resulting in having to stoop down everytime you hit the bass note. This also builds up a very bad technique which is hard to unlearn.
Cruzcajonleons1It is because we believe it is of vital importance to take care of your body and your technique that we have specially designed our cruz cajon to not only look and sound great but actually aid you in obtaining the correct posture and building the correct technique.
The bass “sweet spot” is situated as high as possible, just below the “snare” for the optimum posture when playing the cajon.
It has a deep powerful bass with a beautiful resonance and a neat, crisp attack on the highs. The separation between the highs and the lows is very neat and distinct, needless to say these are fabulous for live playing, acoustic playing and recording! It is really effortless to get a great sound out of the cruz cajon!
Differences in colours only cosmetic
Available in black (Cruz “Toro” model) or natural (Cruz “Leon” model), More colour and customised options coming soon!


Now with an advanced improved guitar strings tuning system that helps prevent buzzing and rattles commonly found in cajons.

Check out our Cruz cajon Pro range:

Cruz cajon Pro Basic

Cruz cajon Pro Professional

Cruz cajon Pro Elite

Personally Designed and drawn by Heidi Joubert.

There are different models for cajons, please see our shop page for more info.

Visit our Cajon Shop

We want to hear from you

Tell us what you think about the Cruz Cajon


  1. Nelly

    I love you Heidi Joubert 😀 and i really like your cajons . I always want to have one but i live in Vietnam and I just a student so i don’t have enough money to buy it . 🙁 If i have enough money i will buy it as soon as i can 😀

  2. Clive Alive

    Hey Heidi,
    ‘been a while! I have been recovering from a bad back (not cajon related). Glad to see Cajonbox is progressing. I note that the Cruz Cajon’s are currently “out of stock”. Any idea when they will be ready to order again? C 🙂

  3. Boerge Walenta

    here comes the promised review about my new black toro giutar string cruz cajon.
    at first a have to apologise for my kraut(ed) and not so good english, sorry but maybe it’s also a little bit funny to read this denglish sentences.
    dear heidi, i want to thank you for all. the cajon arrived very well at home. it was really good packaged in a well fitting and protecting box. my new cajon came in a perfect condition to me. the quality of the black toro cruz cajon guitar string is really superb. this signature master cajon is handmade in spain by very skilled and experienced craftsmen, built with honor, preciseness and proudness to produce the best instrument for ambitious musicians. the cruz has a smooth and silky black surface, the frame looks like a one piece construction. i like the big screws of the fine sounding front plate. the tuneable string system is simple, stable und useful. it produces a very defined an airy snare sound, strictly seperated from the huge bass tone. this is really a quality and unique music instrument.
    the snare area is sensitive and you can hear the snary sound even you are playing quiet ticky ticky ghost notes. i didn’t have to tune so much at the guitar string system. when i hit the bass area i have little bit of the snare buzz, but i like this. its just like playing drums. there you also often have a snare buzz if for instance the bass guitar resonances with the snare drum. i think i could eliminate this, but i have no reason to do this a this time. the sound of the cajon is unbelivable rich and harmonic. you can play really (!) loud without brutal hittings or effort. on the other side if you want you can easily play very quiet with only two fingers having the full range of sound that this pretty little box contains. the sound is always wonderful. i love it.
    another very great advantage of the cruz is, that all important main tones are concentrated in a small area on the top of the cajon. so you can reach much more easier the tone zones. that’s why it is much more relaxing to play on this cajon than on an any other brand. i think you can use it for every musical direction, it will always fits. you get a clear definition between the kick and the snare sound with an airy a rock sizzle sound in the background. there are many more variations of sound tone impossible. in such a small area. this pushes your technique und your improvised playing to a new level. you can play different tones of snare: tight slapy, hard rim shots or a darker bass snare sound. of course the bass kick is also variable, depending how you hold your hand hitting the bass zone.
    Using your foot up and down on the front to change the bass tone works extremly awesome. i had never reach so much soundfull tone variations on any other cajon. i could test the cruz during some recording sessions, and ervery musician on the set, who compared the new cruz with my older and not so bad cajon, said that the cruz sounds so much better.
    there is another practical feature: the felt-feet have a different height at the backside, the height is more less. so the cajon is naturally tipped backwards and the front plate automaticly comes into a better position to play it easily.
    the black toro cruz is a nearly perfect and professional instrument. the cajon looks so nice, that i have it in my living room…so it is much easier for me to rehears on it every day ;-)). playing the cruz brings so much fun. heidi, you were right, when you said that i will love my new cajon. yes indeed i love my black beauty.
    best regards boerge walenta, germany, berlin

  4. Tim Daniels

    I have had the Cruz Cajon for a week now and have some observations. I took it to the local music store to purchase a bag and the staff was blown away by the sound and visual quality. I got to play it next to the store offerings and am pleased with my choice. The Cruz had a better sound, was more versatile, and just looks better. The staff thinks that I am a pro and I didn’t tell them that I am a guitar player.
    The box has distinct zones for snare and bass at the top of the instrument and is comfortable to play. Your hands can stay at the top to save your back. That is a major selling point for us elderly or anyone that wants to put in serious time playing. The center zones have less snare so it is easy to change the sound by moving to the center of the box. The amount of attack required to practice is very low and upright. I have been trying to practice but spend lots of time riffing at low volume.
    I have tried cajon and other brushes that have protective covering on the handles. Cajon brushes allow a brush sound while maintaining some bass thump. You can play this instrument for hours with brushes and there are some great cajon brushes coming on the market. Brushes would also be an option for people with physical issues that want to participate. I just ordered a different set of brushes and am waiting for them to arrive.
    I play with and without a CajonPort to get the bass that I like for various situations. The natural un-ported bass is a pure beautiful sound that stands on it’s own and I only use the port to turn it into rolling thunder. Put your fine china in a safe place.
    I could prattle on but I am going to go sit on the box. I promise to practice???

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey Tim!!!
      Thanks for your very awesome review! I am seriously happy to hear you love your new Cruz Cajon!!!:-))))

  5. Robert

    how can I purchase a Cruz cajon? how much is that in dollars? .

  6. Ranjith

    Hi Heidi,
    Just one word about your lessons …awesome !!!!. I am from India/Bangalore and found cajons costly here and I ended up making my own !.I started practicing it with you 🙂 on youtube. Thanks a lot for your time and lessons.

    • Heidi Joubert

      Excellent comment thanks!!! would love to hear how it went making your own cajon!:-)

      • Ranjith

        wow That was amazing…infact I sold my first Cajon and made my next one ready. It was really good with a snare inside and now I have made a string cajon. I am daily visitor on your video lessons and big fan of yours.
        Thanks and Regards

        • Ranjith

          Started making it more professionally and sound and build quality is up to the market standards. Need to start creating with more graphics.

    • Tarun

      Hi Ranjit,
      Can you please help me with guidance to make one for myself too?
      I have been struggling to find an option that fits my pocket and obviously do not want to compromise on the output as well.
      Want to make one with the best possible material available in India that gives a sound output, that rocks.
      Thanks for all the help in advance.
      God bless!
      Thanks and regards,

  7. Andre Vertelo

    Hello Heidi, i’ve been in contact with your videos lessons, you are amaizing.
    I am a guitar player and fell in love with the cajon the first time, when i saw a friend playing,
    so i decide to learned too. Watching your lessons, is like having a teacher at home. I am looking foward to purchasing my cajon from you.
    André Vertelo

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey Andre
      Thanks it’s great to hear from you! 🙂 I will be posting more videos so keep practising with them! And you will certainly love a cruz cajon if you get one!

  8. Clive Alive

    Hey Heidi – me again…
    I wanted to ask a few more questions about the piano wire cajon – having just spent an hour in a warehouse full of different cajons from £130 to £350!! I am looking for a really sensitive, full-on “rustlie” snare sound but also a big bass sound that doesn’t rattle. So the Cruz piano sounds good in theory. However, I would need to know just how sensitive the snare sound is. Is the piano wire adjustable? And, if you roll the fingers as you would do to imitate a snare roll for example, does it sound like a snare and is it sensitive enough to get good volume for a life gig with the fingers?
    Yours warm heartedly
    Cajon Clive

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey Clive!!1
      The piano string is not adjustable, and the snare sound is rather tight. If you want more of a crisp snare sound (especially for the finger rolls to be audible), and a super clean and punchy bass, I would suggest the guitar string. 🙂 hope it helps!

      • Clive Alive

        Thx 🙂

  9. Hazel

    Hi Heidi,
    Thought you might want to know, the dimensions above are 50x50x30 but elsewhere its 30x30x50. (Sorry, my day job is proofreading/editing) I look forward to receiving mine, can’t wait to start playing 🙂

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hahaha hazel, thanks, I appreciate it! 🙂

    • Ben Tydeya

      Hi Heidi,
      Thought you might want to know, you forgot the apostrophe in “elsewhere it’s”. Sorry, my day job is retirement. Love this instrument though! 🙂

      • Ben Tydeya

        I meant Hazel. That last reply was to Hazel. You can see why I’m no proofreader, with a mistaek like that, haha!

  10. Clive Alive

    Is there a vid where the cruz cajon with piano strings is demonstrated? The Rev Andy Gray has given a great review, and the product description sounds good but I’d love to hear one at least online. I realise I could also try and visit a workshop in Cambridge but getting there could be an issue. If you are playing the Cruz with piano strings, let me know.
    (I seem to be adding alot of comments on this website so I may save a few and add under testimonials – it’s so comprehensive – amazing).

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello Clive!
      Video of a comparison between Gthe Cruz piano and guitar strings will be up soon, sign up to our newsletter to stay updated on this. And thanks for all the wonderful comments on my website, it’s great to get your feedback on the brushes and also on what you would like to see more of, if only more ppl where like you haha 🙂
      It’s a great pleasure to have you visit my site clive, thanks again and be blessed!

  11. Clive Alive

    Hi Heidi. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
    No doubt like many other folk today, I am stting looking out at the rain and contemplating goals for the new year in a slight daze after the festive season. Advancing my cajon playing was one of many things on my list and your website has distracted me (pleasantly) from some of the more mundane isues on my to-do list (like moving house, keeping my job etc, he he). so THANk YOU!
    I am after a new cajon. Do you advise on cajons beyond those by for example PRK?
    I began playing a (very basic) snare cajon in Sept last year at an acoustic night at my local pub. I have a chronic back injury that has prrevented me playing guitar or drums for sometime. The cajon allowed me to participate, pain free, AND have an automatic seat (with no back pain amazingly!!). On the basis of this, I got asked to support a jazz combo where it became clear I need something of better quality. I have been looking at the Leiva Mezquita and the LP Americana snare – both for the good snare sound and distinct bass. Do you have any experience of these?
    Further questions and postings to come as I digest this website further. This is a great website and just the inspiration I needed on this dreary, hungover day. It is rare to find someone as passionate about something who is not …..arrogant (careful choice of words as this is a public forum!).
    All the best for now

    • Heidi Joubert

      Thanks for the nice long comment :-))
      As per the LP or the Leiva, I have not tried either of these cajons yet….. and of course I would recommend one of very own Cruz Cajons, but if you really have to get a non Cruz cajon, I would say that you are always safe with Slagchwerk, they have great sound overall…. good bass, nice snare. I should seriously go and try the LP and leiva cajons though so next time I can give you more details on those!! 🙂
      Enjoy my website, and let me know if there’s anything you want to see here!
      Much love
      Heidi Joubert

      • Clive Alive

        Hi Heide. After looking at your site in more detail, I feel I should be calling you Lady H or “ma’am” , or something reflecting the utility of the content here! hee hee
        Stuff I would like to see on here would be discussion from yourself and other players on their experience with playing live or recording, reviews of different cajons and interpreting drum set rudiments (mainly based on sanre such as paradiddles etc) to the cajon. I’m not sure there is a facility for anyone to start a discussion topic with other fellow readers and players – but that would be good too.
        Great set up though H. Rockadoodle-doo!

  12. Tapas Chawla

    Hello Heidi,
    My name is Tapas , i am from India.
    I play guitar. I recently saw a cover by “Boyce Avenue” on the song ‘Here without you’ – ( )
    And i loved this percussion.
    Since then i saw many videoz in which cajon is used .
    Can you please tell me which cajon is used by ‘Boyce Avenue’ in that song.??

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey man, thanks for the nice words about my vids! I had a look at the video and it isn’t clear which cajon brand he’s playing…

      • Tapas

        hey thnx for giving it a look…. 🙂
        can you tell me which cajon will be good for a starter?
        i really want to learn … 🙂
        i have seen many of your videos , they are great ,i hv even subscribed you… 🙂
        but the problem is i dnt have a cajon :P…
        i want to play it in unplugged performances….so which one you think i should pick….?

        • Heidi Joubert

          Hello Tapas!!! Good to hear you wanna learn to play! It is a lot of fun, and really exciting! And without a doubt I would suggest you get one of my cruz cajons. As a beginner, you can go for either the guitar string or the piano string, but you cut out tuning and buzzing hasles with the piano string cajon… so go for that one!!! They both are super duper easy to play because the sound just comes out almosty effortlessly, and they endure for years! 🙂 If you want a good volume cajon with a super booming bass and sharp attack on the high’s, go for the cruz cajon! 🙂 Great name you have man BTW

  13. Roisin Brennan

    Hi Heidi
    I would like to buy a Cajon from youfor
    Christmas I live in Marylebone and can come and collect it if that is pissible. Cheers Roisin.
    Mob 07587105452

  14. idris al balushi

    hi there
    i would like same one to help me if its possibly
    Im from same where in SULTANT OF OMAN (MUSCAT) it is a place in GULF COUNTRY near of UAE and i would like to buy PRK CAJONS but i don’t know if there is any shipping to my country ?????

    • Heidi Joubert

      One of our main policies of our shop is to ship out worldwide, we want to give everyone the opportunity to get one of our outstanding handmade cajons, no matter where they are in the world. So no problem, we ship anywhere in the world, but some destinations may take much longer than others. As long as you are willing to be patient for your cajon to be delivered, there is absolutely no problem for us to send you a prk cajon! 🙂
      hope this helps!

  15. Randy

    Hello heidi,
    Why is it that the PRK Cajon are more expensive than the Cruz Cajon? Is it because of the quality of the sound, durability or the materials use?

    • Heidi Joubert

      firslty, the prk has a name that has come a way, so that pushes up the price, players like pirana has played their cajon, and with a name so comes a price. Also yes, there is slight difference in the wood used for the body of the cajon, but not the tapa (frontboard), the main differences are that the prk is more refined cosmetically, for instance, it has 4 fancy tuning pegs where the cruz has the usual screw tuning system, used for tuning many of the modern day cajon strings. Also due to the body of the Prk being made of a slightly better wood, The prk has a bit more resonance and volume, but both of them have simillar sounds and tones, and they are both built to have a super powerful, clean, neat bass… So really up to what you want to spend. They are really good, both of them.
      Hope this helps!

      • Juan Barreda

        I would love to here the side by side comparison on both before I commit to buy, also can you please give us the price in US dollars, you can send it to me on the mailer, or however is best. If I here the two and get a US price on them, I can choose what to buy, I currently own A Kotz cajon, excellent, but the response from Mike Kotzen on making me a new Tapa, or front board , has been disappointing . Love your pictures, and I’m happy for your new CD, please send me a price on that also…
        Blessings….. Juan….

  16. Revd Andy Gray

    We’ve had the cruz piano string, black style cajon in the house for about a week now. I wanted to have a clear definition between the kick and the snare sound, and although I wanted the snare to be less ‘rattle’, i did want a rock sizzle sound. Some cajons seem to be all thud and tom without any sound of snare. I particularly wanted something I could use for rock style drumming. heidi was really helpful with her advice! I was looking at the Schlagwerk 2 in 1 cajon (£120) which a friend of mine leant me, in fact it was borrowing his that got me hooked. The price of Heidi’s Cruz is substantially more, but I wanted to support her, and get a quality instrument. The big question is, does it deliver on the sound, and is it worth the extra? The answer is a massive YES!!!
    The first thing we (that is my 6 year old, 11 year old…and me.) found was that the Cruz was harder to play. Yes, harder. Read on though, McDuff. The problem was there are many more variations of sound tone in the tones available than the Schlag. in such a small area. You can have different tones of snare, from tight, to rim shot, to a fuller-almost-bass snare and retain the sizzle. The nicest sound I have discovered is to have a fast strike with the middle joint of my middle finger. Equally, the bass kick is variable. A full flat hand in the middle will give some of the snare still, but a strike with the front of my hand creates a beautiful rich thud, which can be a dry sound, or have a boomy resonance depending on how I attack/release it. Heidi is right, you don’t have to lean over the box at all, the kick is near the top centre, and it’s more relaxing to play than the Schlag.
    The technique of rubbing your foot up and down the front to change the bass tone works wonderfully, and again there are many variations that you can produce, and still retain some of the resonance. Personally again i found it easier than the Schlag to achieve this.
    And there’s more.
    I don’t know if it’s the same on the lighter colour cajon, but the playing of the Cruz is like playing a silk skin! The schlag still felt like striking a bit of wood, but Heidi’s offering has more of a soft drum skin feel to it.
    The other thing is volume. Again, on the Schlag it seemed as though you had to give it a fair old whack to get the individual sounds. I have really enjoyed the Cruz being able to play it really quietly for practice, as well as being able to get some massive volume out of it. Truly, you can play it with your finger tips and it sounds just as good, which is excellent if playing completely acoustic with just a classical guitarist who is un-mic’d and you don’t want to drown them out. Then again, i think it will hold it’s own sitting in the right place in the mix with a louder set up, and of course mic-ing it up is easy.
    If there is one downside, I would say it was the feet, which are felt. Now I don’t know much about cajon building (scrap that, i know zilch, nadda, nothing!). I guess that it is to isolate the sound. I wonder if outside they might get a bit soggy? Will that soak up the water to damage the wood? Also, i play in our kitchen which has a slippery tiled floor, and when I have been practicing side hits with my heel, the cajon has moved a bit each time. I will look into getting a rubber mat. That said, of course, it’s not damaging the wood floors in other parts of the house! And if you are wondering, Heidi said that the Cajon’s she recomends (incidentally the expensive versions of hers, from the same manufacturer) have angled feet so you don’t have to tilt the box backwards. The Cruz has this feature too, even though she doesn’t mention it on her own descriptions. And the result? The schlag needed to be tipped, and the Cruz doesn’t! Cruz sounds just as good tipped or not (so why bother getting cramp…just don’t do bother tipping) and sounds as good as a tipped Schlag.
    The rest of the construction is so solid, and whilst i wouldn’t want to throw the thing around, it looks like it could take it. Must get a cajon bag though…Perhaps that’s something else that Heidi could provide? That and giving some access to things like heck sticks and low hats…
    I think it took about 3 weeks to arrive, because Heidi didn’t have any in stock when I ordered. So she arranged to have it made up and delivered straight from Spain from the manufacturers. Worth the weight. it was really well packaged, arriving in a well fitting corrugated box, and enough soft-clad padding to protect it for it’s journey, and FRAGILE stickers all over it. Sufficient to say it arrived recorded and in perfect condition. It smelt wonderfully lacquered and new too!
    Apart from the feet issue (any ideas Heidi?) this is one perfect and professional musical instrument. Don’t get it for a school, it’s too good! Unless of course you want to inspire them with a truly professional instrument. Yes, even the kids can play it. Particularly my 11 year old who I have been trying to find an instrument that will work for him for ages! If you are asking if it’s worth the extra money I would say 100% yes. Score it 9.75 out of 10!
    (just in case anyone wonders about my qualifications to comment, I’ve been in bands for the last 20 years as guitarist, vocalist and occasional drummer in everything from folk style to rock set ups).

    • Heidi Joubert

      Dear Reverend Andy
      Wow, thank you so so much for your wonderuful and very detailed feedback on my cajons, it is not often that people take the time to give such a detailed response to a product they bought, and the fact that the Cruz Cajon is still fairly new, means that this is one of the first (and most detailed) reviews of my cajons I got yet, a very important factor for any start up product! 🙂
      I am extremely honoured that such a very nice and thoughtful person bought my cruz cajon, and also the fact that you wanted to support me is awfully kind, it means so so much! 🙂 THANK YOU!
      So so so SOOOO happy you are so mad about your Cruz cajon, it pleases me, my aim is not to make a business that takes as much as it can, but to offer a really great product at a fair price, something which is quite rare these days, and judging from your rating, I can be a bit more at peace realising that somehow I did achieve this with my cruz cajon range! 🙂
      I might be making kid cruz cajons, in case you wanted to get some for the kids, haha, but might still be a while, anyway, I will let you know, and give you a nice discount on them as a thank you for this really descriptive feedback! 🙂
      Thanks once again, I really do appreciate it!
      So much blessings and love to you and the family!
      Heidi Joubert

  17. Tony

    Hi Heidi,
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for the CRUZ CAJON that I received well and quickly in FRANCE!The range of sounds is Amazing!I can t stop playing since I have got it,and as you say the bass sound is very high and it is easy to play,even for a beginner like me 🙂
    I will learn step by step the lot of rythms possible with this kind of wonderful instrument (It is Nice in my Living room).
    Many thanks.Let s the music play!

  18. Andy

    I’m going to be in London on Oct 8 for a day or 2 and would love to see the Cruz Cajon with a view to buying one and toting it back to the US myself to save the shipping. Do you have gigs that week where I could see them?

    • Andy

      Plan changed and I’m now going to be there from Oct 4 – 8.
      Any gigs then?

  19. Ricky

    Is there a stockist of the Cruz Cajons in London? I work in Gower St in the West end, so would love to have a go on one before ordering a Toro off of you. Cheers!

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello Ricky!
      Currently there are no stockists in London, but myself 🙂 I will be having these available for sale at all my cajon workshop classes and at any shows that I might be doing with my band. If you want to, we could arrange for you to try one in London for sure! Soon I will have these stocked in various percussions stores around London but it might yet be a while..
      Anyway, they are great and you really should try it if you intend to buy a cajon! let me know and we could arrange a convenient time.

  20. matthew

    i’m thinking of replacing the strings in my current cajon with piano strings (until i read this i had no idea that was even an option!) can you tell me a little more about them? how expensive are they, where can i get them and how different is the sound to guitar strings.. i’m currently using A strings tuned up quite high so i get nice clean bass and snappy snare… i’m using a duende duo, would piano strings be an option?

  21. Ron Swenson

    What is the current conversion rate for the USA dollar and what is the S&H fee to the US?
    P.S. You are a fantastic player and teacher of the cajon, I really appreciate your talent and enthusiasm.

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello Ron!
      You can find the current conversion rate and the Shipping and handling fee listed on the cajon shop page. But thanks for asking, I have now added the US price and the EU price on this page to make it easier for eberyone to see it instantly without looking for it! 🙂 Remember that this does not include your customs fee (if applicable).

  22. Dusten Hubbard

    Where can we purchase these? Are they not yet available?

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey Dusten! The Cruz Cajon has just been listed on the cajonbox webshop, and can now be pre-ordered from this webshop only at the moment (the pre ordered cajones will be shipped out early September, you can pre-order now and get your Cruz Cajon by 15 – 20 September in the EU).
      Hope this helps! Videos and demos are well on the way, Sign up to my newsletter to stay updated. 🙂

  23. BERCOT

    Comment faire pour commander un cruz cajon ?


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