
NEW online cajon school

skypecajonschoollogoSo this is the year that I will officially start up my long awaited online Cajon School.

I have had so many requests from all over the world to start this up, and I am so happy that I have enough free time in my schedule to get this going!

The online school will kick off with 2 classes a week at different times, one to accommodate EU time zone and the other to accommodate countries with a different time Zone like the USA.

There is a limited amount of space in each class so make sure you register for your space in the class as soon as possible. We aim to start up the classes within the next 2 – 3 weeks, we will commence once we have enough students enrolled to make the classes viable. 

caj class3
Date and times:

Mon 7:30pm – 8:45pm GMT

Mon 11:30pm – 12:45pm GMT

Are Mondays these times impossible to make?

You could join our physical cajon classes live via Skype on Tues and/or Wed !

Get in touch for more info.

Course duration:

Each course will last 5 weeks, 1 lesson a week.

You can either enrol to all 5 courses or drop in (subject to space available)

Enrollees will get first priority on all spaces.


£35 for 5 weeks (£7 per lesson)Enrolment

Drop in

£9 per class

Payment methods
 Payment will be taken via BACS/direct bank transfer or paypal. 
(please note that all bank or paypal fees need to be covered by the payee)
cajon12.Still013with logo

Course information:

During the first 5 week course, we will look at the fundamentals of the cajon, such as the correct technique and hand stroke position, posture, different sounds etc.

We will learn a few very useful ex and techniques that you will keep with you for life and learn a range of cool grooves from different musical genres.

We will also look at how to apply our new grooves to a musical setting with other instruments and musicians.

Get feedback from Heidi as you progress during the lessons and share what you learn with other cajon players around the world.

Be part of our cajonbox family!

It is advisable that you enrol for the entire course to take full advantage of the classes.
If you drop in or miss a class during the course, it would be your responsibility to catch up to the rest of the group.
Students 2

What you would need

You would need access to the internet, a webcamera and a web microphone. No previous musical or cajon experience needed! Of course having a cajon would be important, but you don’t need one to start, remember that the cajon is just a box and if you can somehow simulate one, then by all means, don’t let the fact that you don’t have a cajon stop you from learning, after all, it’s more about getting your hands used to the technique as a beginner. Good manners is also essential for joining the classes, anyone who is disruptive or disrespectful will be asked to leave the ‘classroom’:-)

Please note that all details on this course is subject to change.
The courses will only proceed if there is a minimum amount of students enrolled to each course.

Get in touch to book your space now! 

Write to us at


Would you consider taking Skype cajon lessons?

Share your thoughts below!


  1. Russia Wladimir

    Хайди здравствуй!!! Ты и твоё творчество меня просто потрясли! На днях понял, что хочу научиться играть на барабане и случайно узнал о cajon. В интернете случайно нашёл твоё видео и влюбился ! :))) В тебя и как ты играешь. Я живу в Казахстане. Это рядом с Россией. У нас кахон очень редкий инструмент. Я видел его один раз давно. Теперь очень хочу приобрести этот инструмент, чтобы играть. Спасибо за видео!!! Ты можешь на сайте сделать видео уроки, для тех, кто только приобрёл инструмент??? Я бы с удовольствием начал по ним учиться. Видео для начинающих. Удачи!!! Спасибо!!!! Привет от русских! Пока!

    • Heidi Joubert

      Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately I do not understand russian, so I translated it online, here’s what I got:
      Хайди hello!!! You and your work me have simply shaken! One of these days has understood, that I wish to learn to play a drum and has incidentally learned about cajon. In the Internet has incidentally found your video and has fallen in love!:))) in you and as you play. I live in Kazakhstan. It near to Russia. At us кахон very rare tool. I saw it once for a long time. Now very much I wish to get this tool to play. Thanks for video!!! You can make on a site video lessons, for those who only has got the tool??? The beginnings I’d love to on them to study. Video for beginners. Success!!! Thanks!!!! Hi from Russian! Bye!
      Well, I suppose the translator isn’t very good because I can’t really understand everything you are asking, If you want to rewrite to me in english I can answer ok! But thank you very much for the nice compliments and the comment, I hope you learn fast, it’sgreat to know someone in Khazakhstan is learning from my videos!!!

  2. Ken S

    Please sign me up

  3. Ken S

    I am very interested in the online course. Please send all info required to take part.

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey Ken!
      We are no making all the plans ofr our nline school and it wouldbe great if you could send us an email at so we can get in touch directly with you via email. 🙂

  4. Meg

    I can’t wait! It’s so wonderful that you’re offering this. Thank you for all your great work and inspiring music.

  5. Jörg

    Hi Heidi,
    I wish you a happy new year.
    Your page is great and Skype is a wonderful idea.
    I Play your lessions currently on the djembe after.
    I am from Germany and my English is not the best.
    At present I have just the rumba, but somehow hears the clock to something different if you’re playing fast.
    Do you play then the ands just as ghost?
    Many greetings from Hannover

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello so nice to hear from you!!!
      I like that you even use my lessons on the djembe, and why not!!! 🙂 Ole! As per your question, I found it a bit difficult to understand what you are asking… but I assume you mean if I plkay my ghost notes very soft? I play exactly the same fingers and patterns when I play the rumba fast as when I play slow, but when I play fast I have a lot more control over adding the ghost notes much soter, I assume this is what makes it sound a bit different. It’s just technique, and you can easily practise to get those little ghost notes very soft!
      Please ask me again if I got your question wrong and I will try answer asap!

  6. Jay Verma

    Hello my name is Jay, I am 15 years old and I have had my cajon for about 7 months, I am very keen to progress on my cajon playing, I also play the drums(kit). Ive really enjoyed watching your tutorials and I am very interested in your online skype lessons 🙂
    Please can you let me know when you are likely to start giving lessons. I would have loved to have come to your group lessons in leytonstone but sadly it is just too far 🙁
    Thanks again 🙂

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey Jay!
      Great to hear from you! I will defo let you know about my online cajon school once I got the details. Just out of curiousity, would it be easier for you to attend one of our cajon classes if we held it in central London? I am considering moving our cajon school more cetral for the next cajon course.

  7. Tim Daniels

    This sounds like a good idea.
    1. Will this be a one to one Skype session? (free Skype)
    2. How is the time zone issue covered?
    3. Is a video file of the session available?
    4. Can I apply the class towards my PhD? (just a fun question.)
    I am waiting for my Cruz piano string cajon to arrive (California) to join the other instruments.

    • Heidi Joubert

      Helloooo Tim!!
      Firstly thanks for supporting cajonbox and for purchasing a Cruz cajon, I look forward to when you receivbe it and play it with much delight!
      As per your questions, they will all be covered once I have all the details down(Just started up our London can Cambridge cajon school and it has taken most of my time and energy), but it’s almost set up and I will let you know all these answers as soon as I have the whole thing set ok! 🙂

  8. Dave Breckenridge

    I was given a cajon at Christmas. I have never played percussion before and am an absolute novice (struggling with coordination!). I have been really impressed by your videos and think that lessons via skype would be useful – I can’t find any lessons in and around Edinburgh.

  9. Jeff

    Built my own Cajon after hearing about the instrument for the first time this past summer. Bunch of us get together and play music on a river island nearby all summer on the weekends. Great time for a Cajon, was always just a bunch of guitars. Now i need some lessons. Pressure is on now. 🙂
    Surprisingly the Cajon came out real nice. I like the sound. I think i will really love playing it. Childhood dream of being a drummer, partially fulfilled.

    • Heidi Joubert

      Excellent news Jeff!!! Yes now those bonfire nights can have some beats, there sued to only be space for guitarists, aaah the wonderful days of the future! 🙂 Let me know how you fare with your playing!

  10. james

    I play bongos with sticks and guitar,need to get a grip on cajon in a month for a gig. Please advise on skype lessons. Great site!

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey James!!! Will do! Good luck with the cajon! Hope my lessons will prove useful!

  11. Renan

    Have the classes already started? I’m from Brazil, and loved the idea!

    • Renan

      what about the fee for the classes?

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello Renen, classes are set to start end Jan, prices and details will be up in a bit, I suggest you sign up to cajonbox newsletter to stay updated with all the details! 🙂

  12. jsellars

    I want to be involved in the Skype lessons. What must I do to get started?

    • Heidi Joubert

      Skype lessons will only commence end Jan, let us know about youyr interest in the class by sending us an email at
      More details will be up a bit later!

  13. André

    I am an absolute beginner and Skype-lessons would be great. I am absolutely interested. So I am looking forward to hearing from you once the details are clear.
    Thanks in advance,
    P. S. Hope you understand my poor english 🙁

  14. Keith

    I would like to get in on this too if time will allow! I will be watching for it! God Bless!

  15. Tamiko Crump

    Hey Heidi. I’m a keyboard player for a church but I’m buying a cajon in 3 weeks. This is due to fact that we don’t have a drummer so I figured I’d buy a cajon to help out my worship team when I’m not playing keys. However, I’ve never played a cajon in my life. So I’m going to have to trust in God that he will teach me and having some Skype lessons from u wouldn’t hurt 😀 Please keep me posted, thanks.

  16. Mel

    I cannot make to your classes on Mondays and east london is a bit far for me too so Skype lessons sound great. Please let me know details. Dankie

  17. Victor

    I would love to learn from you personally. Can’t find a good cajon teacher in this part of the world. Let me know when the program is up.

  18. Tarek

    Hi Heidi,
    I also would appreciate Skype hours. I worked through all the beginner lessons 🙂
    But the intermediate lessons are a lot of work for me.
    I am from Germany and my English is not the best 🙂
    I play a Valter blackbox and would love to learn more from you.
    best regards

    • Heidi Joubert

      Well done, you worked through all the lessons??? Thats great! I am proud of you, many do not go all the way, and I must congratulate you on this! Your english is great too, don’t worry!
      I will let you know as soon as I start up the Skype lessons!
      Heidi Joubert

      • Tarek

        Hello Heidi and happy new year!
        Yes…all the beginner lessons and know i am working on the intermediate ones. This is not soooo easy 🙂
        Lovin it! But it is hard 🙂
        Looking forward…

  19. Peter den Boogert

    When do we start? I hope the skype connection is of good quality! I dont even have a Cajon. Please give me good advice!

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey Peter!
      I start with Skype lessons in January ok!!! It gives you some time to get a cajon, why not get one of my Cruz cajons, they are great! 🙂
      I’ll let you know as soon as lessons on skype start!

  20. Diego Solis

    Hi, I’m interested in the Skype Lessons, please send me information about it to my email. I’m ready to start. Please let me know when is going to started. Thanks

  21. Felicia

    I am interested in the Skype lessons! I can’t begin until February, however. Please keep me posted. Thank you!

  22. Rich

    Definitiely – next best thing to being there in person for a lesson! I am just learning to play this instrument and I also want to teach my 3 boys.
    I appreciate the videos Heidi, and I am a big fan of world music and look forward to hearing more Fernandos’ Kitchen music.
    Happy Holidays to you and all!!

  23. Suzie Pack

    Wonderful idea! Absolutely 🙂


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