So excited!!! I have been requested to train and teach the faculty of the music conservatory in coppenhagen and Edegal music school how to play cajon and how to teach their students on the cajon. I will also be writing out a syllabus for their beginners course on the cajon by using my very own, personalised course that I created and use for my own cajon school and lessons. The 2 workshops lasted 3 hours each and took place on Wednesday the 12 June, one in Edgegal and one in Coppenhagen, Denmark.
It appears that the cajon will now become one of the instruments taught in most music departments of schools all over the world, and this is not surprising considering that it is possibly one of the most instantly rewarding instruments to play, and so much fun. One doesn’t need to train for years, in fact within as little as 3 min you can already be grooving away on your first rhythm! It’s also a great instrument for building relationships, therapy, boosting confidence and musicality to both adults and children alike. Team building is also another effect of a group cajon class and of course, people with learning disabilities can easily take part in music through this versatile instrument! there is great big things coming up for the cajon in our world and I am so happy to be a part of it!
See the Photo gallery of the Trip here
Do you study at school or uni or in a percussion group/school? Why not suggest to have Heidi Joubert over for a workshop on the cajon and spread the word of this great box drum!