
Workshops & tour dates

Stay updates on our worldwide workshops, please sign up to our cajonbox newsletter!

Tours in EU coming up this summer!

Invite Heidi Joubert to come and give a workshop at your school/organisation/business etc

Get in touch


  1. Kjersti

    Hei:) would be interested in any workshop of a certain duration in europe and the US. ( a camp would be Even better:))
    Have signed up for the newsletter so are exited to be updated on dates:)
    I am from Norway and will spread the good new around here:)
    Looking forward!!

  2. Veronique

    Uitstekned !
    Net vanoggend detail uitgesoek oor Cajon dromme en jou You Tube video’s gevind! Simply wonderful!
    signed up for e-mails and would love to learn and perhaps do a couple of classes a month ( I work nights so I have to plan well ahead) Please let me know when the next beginners course in London is , it looks awesome and your music is fabulous too , I miss the Klitsgras drumming circle from back home so need a bit of R&R

    • Heidi Joubert

      🙂 Dankie±± Mooi Boodskap!! xx i will let you know when the next London class starts up….

  3. Hazel

    Hi Heidi,
    I went to a live gig last week and saw a guy playing a cajon. I’m a vocalist who has just got together with two guitarists to form an acoustic trio. I loved the sound of the cajon and felt it added an extra special something. I decided to check out the ‘net to find out more…..I found you! Truly inspirational, I shall be purchasing a Toro very soon (I hope you ship to Greece) and will be following your videos. Many thanks for uploading these, I’m so glad I found them.
    I see you’re intending a European tour….any chance of Athens being included?

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello Hazel!!!
      Would LOVE tovisit athens, and hopefully we’ll do a concert there sometime!!! I’ll keep you informed! And I also got your order for a toro Cruz Cajon, we’ll be posting it out to you shortly! Sure you will LOVE it! 🙂

  4. Mehdi

    Hello Heidi , great videos and great energy teaching 🙂 It would be lovely to have you here in Canada , Ottawa Ontario for a work shop. I’m a percussionist I play mainly Samba music and I just start adding the Cajon to my Samba . Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need to setup a workshop in our area.
    Cheers to you

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello Mehdi
      Thank you for the comment, I will definitely be in touch if I want to visit Canada for a bit of a workshop!

  5. Thibault Rodriguez

    It would be great if you decided to cross the Channel and come to Paris to give us a course one day.
    Thank you for your great website!!

    • Heidi Joubert

      Indeed I think I shall do this, perhaps next summer!!! In the meantime, spread the word so we can have a big class when I get there haha!
      Thanks for the nice words, glad the website is awesome!

  6. chana

    Hey Heidi!
    Your videos are great and you have really helped me a lot!!! Any chance of any workshops or FC performances in the US any time soon? Particularly in the Baltimore/washington dc area?
    Thanks for inspiring this girl drummer!
    You rock!

  7. mohamed

    hello Heidi;
    i hope you are doing well, i am still waiting for the commencing date of your lessons of course i am looking forward to it, i also want to know if it’s only on thursdays or can it be on other days, thanks for taking the time to read my comment and best of luck for you and yours for the rest

    • Heidi Joubert

      Date we start is next week thursday the 25th, if you can’t make the first class it’s ok, it is a bit short notice… London is crazy! Unfortunately I cannot make any other days at the present so Thursday is it. If you cannot attend the whole course, don’t worry, you are more than welcome to drop in whenever you can, it will be really relaxed as it is beginners.. 🙂

  8. Oliver Weatherly

    Hi Heidi,
    Is it OK to come on the course if you are a complete beginner ? Hope so. Cheers. Oli

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello Oliver
      Of course it is, the course is for complete beginners! 🙂

      • Oliver Weatherly

        That’s great. I’ve signed up for the newsletter, so will enrol when the details are out. Can’t wait. Thanks.

  9. anon

    Any chance I can still enrol in the workshop???

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello Anton!!!
      Yes this is possible, we are a bit delayed with our course due to other commitments I had, but we are now looking to start up next week or the week after till just before Christmas (about 6 weeks or 7 weeks), once a week. sign up to the newsletter for the final details coming very soon!

  10. Oliver Weatherly

    Hi Heidi,
    I just wanted to ask if the Cajon school in London in October is for Beginners? Also, I hope I have not missed the enrolment – how can this be done, as I’d hate to miss out? Really excited about the possibility of coming on your course and getting started on such a great instrument. Many thanks

  11. mohamed

    i hope i am not too late to enrol , please let me know about the starting date thank you

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello Mohamed!
      You are not too late, the classes is starting mid October, enrolling starts this week! 🙂 But make sure you enrol this week to ensure you get a space, it’s seems to be very popular! More details will be up by tomorrow about when and where!

      • Marylis

        Have I missed it? I just checked for the newsletter and I haven’t received it…

        • Heidi Joubert

          Nooo you haven’t missed it, it hasn’t started yet, I have been organising the venue (it has beena bit of a mix up) so hopefully by next week I will have all the details of the course, looks like it is set to start mid to end October and only run for 7 weeks. I will DEFITELY keep you informed as soon as I have the details via the newsletter ok! 🙂

          • Marylis

            Great! Thanks Heidi! =)

  12. anon

    Hello – still waiting for the newsletter on this one.

  13. Marylis Ramos

    Hiya! I would be very interested to come along if you are running another London Cajon School Series – let me know, thanks!

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello! Our Cajon school is planning a Autumn Cajon course of 10 weeks in London, sign up to our newsletter to stay updated on this! It will be in October.


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