
Modern Method for Cajon

Free trial

I've compiled all the basics to get you started on the cajon! These are some fundamental lessons to help you build a strong foundation for becoming a great cajon player. Once you've gone through these and you got the hang of it, I would suggest you continue your learning with the Modern Method for Cajon 🙂

I trust that you will enjoy it immensely!

Let's get started!

Playing time: 1hr 36 mins / 24 videos

Modern Method for Cajon Free trial

Playing time 1hr 36 mins / 24 videos


1. Introduction & Overview

2. How to tune your cajon & about cajons

3. Productive practising

4. Stretching, warming up & posture

5. Learn the Basic sounds

6. Bass stroke technique

7. High stroke technique

8. Bass & High stroke combo technique

10. Moving over 2 sounds

11. Learn your first groove

12. Learn your second groove

Modern Method for Cajon

A comprehensive, interactive, step-by-step course  filled with the basics of the cajon, including techniques, exercises & a wide variety of grooves personally developed by Heidi Joubert.

A completely structured video method, featuring in-depth training, beginning with the most basic level. Strategically compiled so that each lesson builds upon the next. Learn to play the cajon in a fun, very easy, practical step-by-step approach, and best of all you get to practice and play along with me as you progress!

"I know these lessons will help you become the best cajon player you can be! Sign up to my newsletter and get started today!"

Get your Free Trial NOW


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Did you enjoy these lessons? Got any questions or comments?

I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment below and I'll get back to you soon!


  1. fishtwig

    Hi Heidi,

    I’m new to the cajon and looking forward to trialling the method – you are clearly gifted and spirited and I was so delighted when I realised you are the box-sitter on my favourite viral video *ever*!

    Speak soon

  2. saurabh

    hey heidi – hope you are well. i haven’t received access to the free trial beginners course yet. I subscribed to it on 23rd May (2 days ago). let me know if you can help!
    thanks, saurabh

    • heidijoubert

      Hello Saurabh

      I will be sending it to you shortly, I am just finislising the free trial lessons page as we speak 🙂 Thank you for signing up to the free course, I am sure you will learn a lot from it..

  3. heidijoubert

    I will be the first to comment here…. I am so happy to finally release my Modern Method for cajon! I hope these lessons really help you, and especially the practise along videos. I hope you utilise these videos and practise with me regularly! Thank you for joining me on my Modern Method for Cajon 🙂

    All My Love

    Heidi Joubert


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