
Different Models

cajon hands for web 900

Cajon Pro

Frontboard 100% Birch wood
New improved tuning system
4 guitar strings
2 tuner knob
New anti slip rubber feet
Chassis available in black
Frontboard available in natural (leon) or black (toro)

Cruz Cajon Pro Plus

100% finest Birch wood
New improved tuning system
4 guitar strings
2 tuner knobs
New anti slip rubber feet
Chassis available in natural & black
Frontboard available in natural (leon) or black (toro)

Cruz Cajon Pro ELITE

100% finest Russian Birch wood
The best Russian birch wood selection is used for this cajon and extra care taken with the final finish for optimised sound

4 guitar strings New improved tuning system

2 tuner knobs
New anti slip rubber feet
Chassis available in natural
Frontboard available in natural (leon) or black (toro)


  1. Eliane

    estou tentando entrar no shopping pra ver os cajons pois quero comprar um, mas não estou conseguindo entrar, o site parece estar com problema teria como voces me mandarem um email falando sobre os cajons e valores.
    meu email é

  2. Cliff

    which is the best model do you recommend? It is the first time for me to play cajon

  3. Pete Robbins

    I have just got off a 20 date tour with John Wheeler from Hayseed Dixie and I have loved playing my Cruz Cajon. I have quite a busy live schedule and to have a Cajon that not only sounds great but is responsive enough for me not to hurt my hands is very important. With my Cruz Cajon my hands felt like they did on show 1 on show 20.
    Thank you Cruz for making a great instrument which is a joy to play.

  4. Juan Barreda

    I’ve been wanting to buy another Cajon , I have a hard time not being able to talk to someone, A phone no. Would be great. Things like shipping to a specific State, country, and for me what does that translate into American money, I don’t like surprises..

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hola Juan
      All the shipping prices to different places in the world is clearly written on the description section of each cajon, and well, what it would cost in USD would depend upon the exchange rate, this is also easy to figure out, simply google ‘convert currency’ and you will find many websites that can give you an up to date conversion rate!
      Alternatively we are in office 5 days a week, you can send us an email anytime and one of our team will reply very soon with all the answers to any question. Thew price for shipping to the USA is £89….
      Hope this helps!

  5. Salvador ordaz

    Quisiera saber si venden cajones para mexico específicamente para playa del Carmen Quintana Roo pues me interesa un cajón saludos buena noche !!

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey Salvador! We post out to ANY destination in the world! 🙂 We have a great courier that is safe and handles the cajones with the utmost care! And it is tracked all the way to your house!

  6. Steve Moore

    So there are no “snare” models?

  7. Luis angel gomez montoya

    Hola i will to know price total with shiping !!” Pro” all natural front and body ! Logo black

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hello!! It depends where you are for shipping!
      Where do you want the cajon shipped to?

    • Heidi Joubert

      Hey Luis! All this info is on our webshop page, check it out!


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